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Bimanual Task
Gianna Cocchini, Nicoletta Beschin, Aikaterini Fotopoulou, Sergio Della Sala
The BMT aims to assess awareness of motor impairments considering patients' behaviour during 8 bimanual tasks.
For each task, participants are presented with an object and asked to demonstrate its use. Correct use of these objects usually requires both hands (e.g. holding a two-handle tray with two hands, one at each extremity)
but the task can also be performed using one hand by approaching the task in a different way (e.g. holding the two-handle tray by placing one hand underneath the centre of the tray - 'aware strategy). However, in other to adopt the aware strategy, the patients must be aware of their hemiplegia.
Therefore, awareness is assessed in terms of ability to adopt 'aware' strategies and performance is measured in terms of specific errors in adopting the best strategy to perform a task (see table). High error scores indicate lack of awareness.
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