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Visual Analogue Test to assess Anosognosia for Language Disorders
Gianna Cocchini, Nicola Gregg, Nicoletta Beschin, Michael Dean, Sergio Della Sala
VATA-L - Description
VATA-L - Material - English
VATA-L - Scoring sheet - English
- Cocchini, G., Gregg, N. , Beschin, N., Dean, M., Della Sala. S. VATA-L: Visual-Analogue Test Assessing Anosognosia For Language Impairment. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 2010, 24 (8): 1379-1399.
- Cocchini, G., Costa, E., Allen, R., Zaro, F., Beschin, N. Depression and anosognosia. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2013, 35 (4): 337-347.
- Dean, M., Della Sala, S., Beschin, N., Cocchini, G. Anosognosia and self-correction of naming errors in aphasia. Aphasiology, 2017, 31(7): 725-740.
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